You may already know that a patient may have grounds to sue a doctor who provided them with subpar medical care and caused an injury or illness. What you should also know is that suffering any kind of physical or emotional injury because your doctor sexually assaulted you also qualifies as grounds for civil litigation.
Filing a civil claim over a sexual assault experience is always a stressful and challenging process. It is understandable if you have questions about what an attorney could do for you and what you must do to obtain compensation. When you do choose to pursue a lawsuit, your Austin doctor sexual assault lawyer could dedicate all his extensive trial knowledge and trauma-informed experience toward getting you the restitution you deserve.
In many situations, a doctor who causes a patient to suffer a preventable injury or illness because of a failure to provide a reasonable “standard of care” may be held liable for that patient’s losses through “medical malpractice” litigation. However, sexual assault by a doctor can, and often does, happen under circumstances which do not constitute “malpractice.” That can sometimes change the rules applicable to a civil claim built around the injuries.
Since sexual assault is a criminal act, it would not be necessary to show that a doctor who commits sexual assault against a patient violated a “standard of care” applicable only to other doctors. Instead, a civil claim would be structured around showing the defendant violated a law which is equally applicable to every person in Texas regardless of occupation. This can be a much more straightforward process. An attorney in Austin can help protect the privacy of someone who is seeking justice when their doctor has committed sexual misconduct. Jacob Mancha can assist you with collecting evidence and building a strong civil claim before, after, or alongside criminal proceedings related to the assault.
Depending on the facts of the case, civil liability for sexual assault committed by a doctor may lie not only with that individual provider but also with the healthcare facility and anyone else whose negligence facilitated the assault. A person may be able to name multiple parties in a lawsuit for purposes of recovering all available damages, including:
A qualified lawyer can go into further detail during a private consultation about compensable losses in a claim of sexual assault committed by an Austin physician or other medical professional.
You put your trust in a doctor and they have violated that trust in a heinous and unforgivable way. While you have every right to hold them financially accountable for this harm, attorney Jacob Mancha understands that you may have reservations about being involved in a legal battle that may add to your trauma. Attorney Mancha is committed to your well-being, first and foremost.
Help is available from a compassionate legal professional who knows exactly how difficult these cases can be and how to enforce your rights without causing you more pain. Call today to learn how an Austin doctor sexual assault lawyer could assist you with your possible claim.